Use this time to practice supervised driving. Hold your permit (TIPIC) For at least 6 months.unless driving to or from work (form 2825), or official school or religious event (form 2826). No driving without your parent/guardian between 1 a.m.No more than one non-family member passenger unless accompanied by a parent/guardian.Īfter the first 12 months and if you are still under 18 years of age:.unless you drive to or from work with the documentation from your employer (form 2825), or to and from official school or religious event (have form 2826 with you). No driving without your parent/guardian between midnight and 6 a.m.You may not use any mobile devices, including phones.You and your passengers must wear safety belts.It allows you to drive unsupervised but with a number of restrictions: You may get this type of license if you are under 18 years of age.